Comfortable Inaction?
Will you take flight toward the horizon of opportunity?
Read MoreThe Present Distress
Resolve has gotten us through difficult times before. It can do so again!
Read MoreTake Charge of Adversity?
3 steps to help you take charge of adversity
Read MoreKnowing What She Did Will Make You A Better Person?
For 2–1/2 years, she made plans to encourage my family.
Read MorePersist! Sunrises Proclaim The Future, Not The Past.
A story about persistence from a sunrise lover.
Read MoreSomeone Unsubscribed From My Email List and It Didn’t Ruin My Day!
7 lessons from an unsubscribe survivor.
Read MoreThe $89K T-Shirt: Episode 2 - Everyone Matters
One of the reasons people don’t think they have any power is because they don’t think they matter.
Read MoreOf Making Many Lists, There is No End?
Confessions from a recovering idea hoarder and perfectionist.
Read MoreThe Pivot Principle for Entrepreneurs?
Have you ever dreamed of quitting your day job and starting your own business? Maybe you’ve taken the first steps and turned your dream into a reality.
Read MoreAdoption Trauma: How to Peel Back Layers of Hurt, Loss, and Anger?
My son Jonathan was changing! I could see it. His Mom could see it. It was gradual, but it was happening. Finally, there was hope! After years of searching, we had found the help he needed.
Read MoreLORD, Please Help Me Get One More!
The story you’re about to read covers one day during the six months my son Jonathan was away from us in a residential, behavioral treatment facility.
Read MoreSelfish Selflessness: The Two-Minute Warning Principle
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we were kinder to one another; if we looked out for the best interest of others over our own; if we were more selfless? This might surprise you but I believe selflessness starts with selfishness.
Read MoreDo You Remember Where You Were When…
The tragic death of Kobe Bryant triggered some vivid memories I have from early in my life. How about you? Isn’t it interesting how our brains are…
Read MoreThe Last Handshake: Episode 7 Principle 7: Hero Saves the Day
I had just given Dorothy the T-shirt when Jim did the most amazing thing. The one thing only he was capable of doing.
Read MoreThe Last Handshake: Episode 6 Principle 6: Tension
For the 30-minute drive to Jim’s house, my head was full of questions. What will I say? Have I waited too long? Will Jim know me or even know I’m there?
Read MoreThe Last Handshake: Episode 5 Principle 5: Intrigue
I knew Jim had cancer but I didn’t know how much time he had left. I just knew I had to tell him what he meant to me before it was too late.
Read MoreThe Last Handshake: Episode 4 Principle 4: Relatable
I hadn’t seen Jim in a while and I was starting to wonder why? This was unusual. I was used to seeing Jim at gospel meetings. Then one day, I heard the news from a mutual friend. Jim has CANCER!
Read MoreThe Last Handshake: Episode 3 Principle 3: Empathy
It was an impromptu conversation. I guess all of our conversations were like this because we would just run into each other from time to time. I remember telling Jim, “Dad doesn’t agree with me.” He said, “I know. I’ve been where he is. But he’ll come around.” That’s all he said.
Read MoreThe Last Handshake: Episode 2 Principle 2: Saga
I had known Jim for well over 40 years. I was just a boy when we first met. He and my Dad were close to the same age. We didn’t run into each other very often but that did not diminish the impact he had on my life.
Read MoreThe Last Handshake: Episode 1 Principle 1: Once Upon a Time
Once upon a time, there was a man with a BIG handshake, my friend Jim. When people saw Jim coming, they braced themselves, because they knew what was about to happen.
Read MoreThe Death of a Parent! Remember the Good Times?
After the death of a parent, life has a way of getting out of balance. The story I’m going to share illustrates ONE way I’m regaining my balance after my Dad’s passing. It’s just what the Dr. ordered! One of my fondest childhood memories was my Dad taking me to Kentucky Colonels’ basketball games. The…
Read MoreThe $89K T-Shirt: Episode 1 - Recovery is Possible
It was one of the worst days of my life, March 2, 2012, because on that day I thought I had just killed my boys. Unintentionally, I had put them in the path of an EF-4 tornado. By the grace of God, we didn’t die! On the anniversary of that day, there are a lot of memories myself and those in my town reflect on.
Read MoreHow Uncomfortable Is Your Comfort Zone? The Daily Doable – S1:E11
I believe one of the reasons is we don’t like criticism. I’m not talking about constructive criticism. Because I believe we all need to…
Read MoreThought Police! A Good or Bad Idea?
Before you click away, hear me out.
Read MoreBrokenness: Don’t Know What to Say? It’s Okay!
Be There even if you don’t say anything. Be There even if you don’t understand. Because YOU being there is ALL your friend needs right now.
Read MoreBrokenness: And The Oscar Goes To?
I believe the best actors aren’t in Hollywood! I believe they’re our neighbors. They’re our…
Read MoreBrokenness: Emotional, Physical and Mental Exhaustion?
What do you do when you are emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted? My family goes on vacation with 200 of our closest friends! What? A vacation with 200 people? Yep! That sounds exhausting! It is. So WHY do we go?
Read MoreInspire Points: Will You Wear Away Or Rust Away?
Then there’s my friend Forrest. He was like a grandfather to me. Forrest was always moving, always tinkering. One day we were talking and with a tinkle in his eye, he said something I’ll never forget.
Read MoreThe Beauty in Brokenness?
Embrace the brokenness in your life. By that I don’t mean wallow in self-pity. Our life’s stories are sometimes filled with periods of brokenness.
Read MoreBrokenness: What If Humpty Dumpty Could Be Put Back Together?
Embrace the brokenness in your life. By that I don’t mean wallow in self-pity. Our life’s stories are sometimes filled with periods of brokenness. There are cracks in our armor. Scars we desperately try to hide from others. Don’t try to hide from those broken pieces. Rather, embrace them! Accentuate them! Our cracks, our scars, the fissures in life exhibit to others a life lived, a life that has prevailed.
Read MoreDaily Devotionals Day – 7: A 3,500 Year Old Template For Devotionals
The Time-Tested Template For Devotionals That Will Release Your Imagination To Soar
Read MoreI Only Knew Him From A Picture On A Wall
I Only Knew Him From A Picture On A Wall! The Daily Doable — S1:E12 Welcome to the lightly edited transcript of the video. You’ll find the video below. On this last Monday in May, when many of you are preparing to spend time with family and friends, I would like to share with you the story…
Read MoreInspire Points: “2 Words That Give Me Hope”
From time to time, I want to share something with you I’m calling Inspire Points. Inspire Points could be a saying, a quote, a verse or a video. They are designed to help you think in ways that serve you well AND inspire you to do what you can. I’m joined in this video by…
Read MoreThe RX For Procrastination In 3 Simple Words!
It started creeping into my mind and the practical side of me began agreeing with each rational argument for why I wasn’t ready. Why I wasn’t ready to announce my website. A perfectionist by nature, I always want to do my best and I don’t want anyone to see anything that I don’t consider my…
Read MoreDon’t Procrastinate
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on”][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] Mindset Hurdles… Have you ever said any of the following? “That can wait until tomorrow.” or… “The timing isn’t right Just remember… There are NO guarantees of a tomorrow. This might be the BEST opportunity you will ever have. WHAT TO DO INSTEAD Do what you can…
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