The Quest For Your Story
How does a person discover the ONE thing that makes their heart sing? You know, the dream you had as a child. For far too long that dream has remained dormant, buried deep in your subconscious.
Don’t worry. Your dream is still there. You can rediscover it. This is a quest worth pursuing, a story worth telling. Your story. Please allow me to offer the following breadcrumbs in this QUEST.
QUESTIONS: Ask empowering questions to reveal the answers you seek. These questions should be not formulated to reveal only one answer. Try this sample intro to your questions. In how many ways can I, (blank)?
UNCOVER: These answers will guide you to uncover your truth. You are peeling back the layers of an onion that most likely has not been touched since childhood. Rediscover that child-like innocence.
EXPECT/EXPEDITION: Much like peeling back the layers of a real onion causes tears, you should expect tears of your own. Embrace your emotions. You are on an expedition of your subconscious. Make sure to grant yourself some grace and empathy.
SEARCH/STORY: This expedition is a search buried deep within you. The truth you seek will not immediately present itself. Be patient. Clarity will come over time. The next chapter in your story is about to be written.
TREASURES: These treasures in your story are awaiting discovery. Anticipate receiving “Aha” moments on the way to your discoveries. That’s the fun part. It makes the journey that much more rewarding.
Daily Doable: I’ve said this a lot and never want it to sound cliché but action does lead to clarity. Trust the process. Use the QUEST system to begin your personal discovery. Your treasure is lying within.
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This Inspire Point was brought to you by your neighbor Tim Maudlin.
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