Let Us Do Good
I love to design t-shirts with inspiring messages on them.
When I wear them, it’s my way of having a silent conversation with people I come in contact with. Sometimes those silent conversations become audible. Like the t-shirt design for this story, Let us do good.
Let us do good is an inspiring message for everyone. It doesn’t matter who you are; YOU have the ability to do good. One simple act at a time.
How much better would our world be if we were focused on doing good?
How do you feel when someone does something good to you? Feels pretty good, doesn’t it? Why not pay it forward? You can do this. We all can.
Daily Doable: As you have the opportunity, do something good for someone today. It doesn’t matter if they are aware of what you did or not. The important thing is you did it. Let us do good.
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This Inspire Point was brought to you by your neighbor Tim Maudlin.
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