3 Simple Questions to Channel 7-Year-Old You

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Channeling the 7-year-old version of you is a great way to thrive and get permission to be messy. Skeptical? I was too. But it’s easy to do if you ask the right questions. Before I reveal those, I have a confession.

I’m a perfectionist!

It gnaws at me and I know I shouldn’t think this way. How about you?

So I went to the person who knows me better than anyone else, me. Actually, 7-year-old me. He had proven himself before in another conversation.

It was refreshing because I realized I had not disappointed that little boy. In fact, he was amazed that I had found a way to get paid to draw.

This time I needed permission to be messy like him. Here’s how our conversation went. He asked me these 3 questions.

3 Questions to Channel 7-Year-Old You in order to get permission to be messy again and thrive.

Question #1: Do most people notice what you notice?
No! There have been times when I tweaked my art and then showed people the Before and After versions. They didn’t see the difference. Ouch!

Question #2: Was that extra work actually worth it?
No! And when I think about it, I was really wasting time that I could have been working on something else.

Question #3: Then why should you work longer on something if most people don’t see the difference?
Okay, you got me there. It doesn’t make sense.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re creating art like me. If you’re a writer, speaker, or whatever, these questions will give you permission to be messy.

Remember those label-makers when you were a child? This graphic is something 7-year-old me could have created. It’s messy but it’s PERFECT!

Daily Doable: Don’t stress over something most people don’t even notice. Give yourself permission to be messy. And if you need a little boost, ask these questions to the 7-year-old version of you for some help.

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This Inspire Point was brought to you by your neighbor Tim Maudlin.

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