Become Visible to OVERWHELM overwhelm

One of the first options that will help you OVERWHELM overwhelm is to become visible. That means coming out of the shadows of overwhelm.

Overwhelm causes darkness and the shadows of overwhelm will make you feel alone. There is no reason for you to feel isolated.

To the extent of your comfort level and may I suggest a little beyond your comfort level, shine a light on your overwhelm and come out of the shadows. 

How? Share whatever it is that is overwhelming you. But measure how much light you shine on yourself. Begin with a little and gradually add more.

Daily Doable: Become visible and come out of the shadows of overwhelm. Begin with a close friend. If you are younger, begin with a parent or an adult you trust. Little by little you will begin to OVERWHELM overwhelm.

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This Inspire Point was brought to you by your neighbor Tim Maudlin.

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