Conversations With Memes

You’re creating boring stories? Tell us how great that’s going!

Not so well, especially with critics like you and Waldorf! But help is on the way. Conversations with memes is a heckle-free zone. They will invite your audience into the story and send you two dinosaurs into retirement.


News Alert! Conversations with memes. It’s kind of a BIG deal!

And a lot bigger than most people realize. Not only will conversations with memes eliminate boring stories but they also break down the proverbial “fourth wall.” You know, that imaginary barrier between you and your audience? Break down that wall and make your stories memorable.


So You’re telling me I can break down the fourth wall with memes?

Yes Beaker, even YOU can break down the fourth wall! But don’t worry, it’s not rocket science and you won’t need a particle accelerator to do it. Breaking down the fourth wall is as easy as talking to a friend.


My solemn pledge. You get conversations with memes. EVERYBODY gets conversations with memes.

Preach it Sam! This is one election promise everyone can get excited about. Think of it as a stimulus for your stories AND it doesn’t cost a cent.


Conversations with memes. It’s a barrel of laughs.

Even our reluctant hero Beaker has shown us how easy it is to break down the fourth wall with memes.

Daily Doable: If Beaker can have conversations with memes, so can YOU. Say adiós to boring stories and break down the fourth wall once and for all.

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