Yardsticks: A Simple Way to Measure Clarity

More often than not, life’s paths are not a straight shot to your final destination. No, they are just the opposite, winding, foggy, and filled with uncertainty.

What’s around the next bend? What’s that fuzzy image ahead?
You don’t know.

How do you navigate these paths? Do you run with eyes closed hoping to make it where you want to go? No!

Without a clear picture, what’s your next move? Do you stop and give up? Absolutely not!

In this ACRONYM story, we’ll consider the first of the three Y’s that lead to CLARITY. Yardsticks: A Simple Way to Measure Clarity

Yardsticks: A Simple Way to Measure Clarity

Don’t you just love Aha moments when something clicks? I know I do. They’re random though, aren’t they? What if you could have Aha moments on a regular basis? Maybe you need a yardstick.

Yardsticks are simple tools to measure things.

Chances are you have a few around your house. They come in handy to measure everything from home projects to how tall your kids are getting.

As you go through the steps to clarity, it is important to know how you are doing. Measuring your progress is good motivation to keep going.

Will you use a literal yardstick to measure your clarity? Probably not. But there are simple tools like yardsticks you can use right now.

Here’s one idea.

Measure your progress in a journal. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. Pen and paper or an inexpensive composition book will work just fine.

But what do you write about?

I prefer empowering questions because they prompt you to dig deep.

Here’s a question you can ask yourself daily.
Q. What did I accomplish today towards my goal?

And here’s a question you can ask yourself on a semi-regular basis.
Q. What do I understand now about (blank) that I didn’t understand a day, a week, or a month ago?

Do this consistently. From time to time go back and read what you wrote. You will be amazed at your Aha’s and the progress you are making.

Daily Doable: Give yourself Aha moments. Find your yardstick and measure your progress. It will motivate you to achieve the clarity you desire.

Coming Next: Look Beyond Yesterday to Achieve Clarity

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