How a Cartoonist and a Baseball Hat Saved My Life

To quote a famous TV show, with a slight tweak by yours truly.

Ladies and gentlemen: the story you are about to hear is true. No names have been changed to protect the innocent since the innocent victim is ME!”
(with apologies to Dragnet)

Yes, a cartoonist and a baseball hat saved my life. These were the days before my heatstroke issues and my wide-brim hat. You can read about that chilling story here.

No, this is about a time when I was much younger and easily distracted.

Back story

I love comic strips! And I love collecting reprint books of my favorite strips. One of those comic strips is The Norm by Michael Jantze.

It started innocently enough at a football game for my alma mater Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. My family was watching the game with friends.

Then it happened! I’ll share the story with you in the letter I sent to Mr. Jantze thanking him and The Norm for saving my life.

Dear Michael:
My family and some friends went to a football game last weekend. Our seats were in the end zone. My son, who is two years old, was going back and forth from one person to another. My wife and I were watching him when I heard my brother shout, “Watch out Tim!”

I looked up to see the football flying end over end right toward me.

There was no time to react.

Luckily I was wearing my Norm hat. The football hit the bill of the hat first and then deflected off of my temple. The hat fell off of my head but did its job.

I probably would have gotten popped right in the nose if not for my Norm hat. The hat was fine and I proudly put it back on.

I guess you’re right when you say The Norm is working for (its readers). It worked for me.

– Tim, Pekin, IN

Michael replied…

I always knew life was easier for Norm readers. But now he’s saving lives…

See it’s not hyperbole when I say my Norm hat saved my life!

My wife would say I am being overly dramatic. But it wasn’t her head that was plunked! So she just needs to stop laughing and show her husband a little sympathy.

Daily Doable: Learn to laugh at yourself. It will endear you to others even though it might not seem like it at the time since they’re crying from laughing so hard… at you!

Proof that I’m not making this story up.

How did I come to own a Norm hat in the first place? That’s a story for another time. Not as harrowing as this one but very cool.

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