I’ll Have Fries with That?

“Why Do I Love Templates? Let me count the ways.”

I love templates because it’s the Plug-N-Go way to create content.

You’re in line at the drive-thru and just ordered a sandwich when a voice comes over the speaker, “would you like fries with that too?”

Think of templates as the menu board at a fast food drive-thru. But I don’t think of them as extra calories or artery clogging fats.

Think of them as the Value Deal they really are.

Templates allow you to Plug-N-Go.

Use the template as the basic structure and insert your content into it.

Let me illustrate how this works with an example from this template series.

I took a popular quote from the Elizabeth Barrett Browning and tweaked the text to make it work for me.

Instead of “How Do I Love Thee? Let me count the ways.”
My version is “Why Do I Love Templates? Let me count the ways.”

After the quote, I added the following:
I love templates because (BLANK)

Putting it all together, it looks like this:
“Why Do I Love Templates? Let me count the ways.”
I love templates because (it’s the Plug-N-Go way to create content.)

It’s that easy!

Plug-N-Go. Real Value. Fast Content. (Better for you than fries!)

Can I send you something? I’m Author, Storyteller, Graphic Designer and Template Creator, Tim Maudlin. I would love to connect with you.

I’ve written an ebook where I share 9 reasons, why I LOVE templates and why you should too. The content for this ebook was created using my ACRONYM template that is included as a bonus. Click HERE to get your copy.


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