Daily Devotionals Day – 30: My Favorite Method To Teach And Reinforce Principles

How do you TEACH and REINFORCE principles in your devotionals?

Welcome to Day 30 of my 30 Daily Devotional Challenge. I want to conclude these 30 Days with my FAVORITE method to teach and reinforce principles. Before I introduce this method, please consider the following quote.

Never underestimate the power of a T-shirt. ~Fred Lebow

It’s a fascinating metaphor. I’ve tapped into that power over and over. It’s amazing what a T-Shirt with the right message and the right graphic presented to the right audience can do. My boys love to wear T-Shirts I’ve designed. On many of those designs, I have included an important principle I want them to remember.

Below is my T-Shirt design for the 4:8 Thinker. To make it even more fun, I included a little “Yoda Speak.” Like it, I hope you will:)

Daily Doable: Get your MIND WARS T-Shirt Gear HERE and set fashion trends in your neck of the galaxy. It’s available in several different styles, from unisex to hoodies.

Get the MIND WARS 4:8 Thinker Poster HERE.

Get the MIND WARS 4:8 Thinker Journal HERE.

Get my Amazon #1 Best Seller Book MIND WARS THE 4:8 THINKER HERE.


Maybe T-Shirts aren’t your thing, no problem. How about a special mug to sip your favorite hot beverage in as you consider the 6 strategies of a 4:8 Thinker? This 15oz mug can be yours at this LINK.

Thank you for being here. Please join me in my next article as I share my favorite way to reinforce and teach devotionals to my boys.


=> If you have a comment/question about this post, please share in the comments below or shoot me an email. tim@DoWhatYouCanNow.com

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