Daily Devotionals Day – 16: Comforting A Grieving Friend – Answering 3 Objections
Even the most well-intentioned people sometimes allow objections to prevent them from comforting a grieving friend. I know I have.
Welcome to Day 16 of my 30 Daily Devotional Challenge.
But FIRST. Did you make your list? What list? Please watch yesterday’s video below before continuing AND then make your list.
Below is a video with these graphics set to music.
Got your list? Great, let’s continue.
Maybe you really don’t know “What to SAY” or “What to Do”… YET! Don’t worry, we’ll cover some idea starters in another article.
But for today, I’m more concerned with objections like these.
- Who am I?
- I can’t possibly make a difference.
- Someone else is better at comforting than me.
I’ve had thoughts like these before. Maybe you have too. I wanted to comfort grieving friends but self doubt sometimes got in my way. It got in my way until I changed my thinking. Try the exercise below and see if it helps change your thinking.
Daily Doable: Look at the list of 3 people who have comforted you.
How did those people make you feel? They comforted YOU in their own unique way. They made a difference to YOU. They made an impression that YOU remembered. What if they had made objections like the ones I mentioned above?
Get the point? If they could comfort you, then there are people that YOU can comfort too! Yes you can:)
Please join me tomorrow when I’m going to share a personal Case Study how my family and I were comforted following my father’s passing.
Thanks for joining me in this challenge. I REALLY appreciate you taking the time to read this.
=> If you have a comment/question about this post, please share in the comments below or shoot me an email. tim@DoWhatYouCanNow.com
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