Daily Devotionals Day – 2: A Grateful Heart

Welcome to Day 2 of my 30 Daily Devotional Challenge.
As Andrew was Trick-or-Treating the other day he said “Thank You” every time he got a treat (whether it was a couple pieces of candy or a handful.) I only asked once just to make sure he didn’t forget. He kinda looked at me funny when I asked. As if to say, “Of course I did Dad:)”

It’s a small thing but it’s the right thing to do. It was something my parents instilled in me at a young age and something I have tried to instill in my boys. Having a grateful and appreciating heart, as our quote indicates, helps us appreciate even the simplest of things.

I know when a young person thanks me for something, I take notice. Sadly that common courtesy seems to be lacking today. Just to reinforce this, I made sure I was thanking folks too. Andrew needs to see me doing it and I need to do it for myself.

Daily Doable: Always say “Thank You,” even for the SMALLEST things. It will nurture a grateful and appreciating heart in you.

Here’s the quote one more time.

Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart.
~Henry Clay

=> Later that night after we came home,  Andrew said to me, “Thanks for taking me Dad.” THAT made my day!

Thanks for joining me in this challenge. I REALLY appreciate you taking the time to read this.

See you tomorrow.

=> If you have a comment/question about this post, please share in the comments below or shoot me an email. tim@DoWhatYouCanNow.com

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